Diamond Development & Exploration

Baffin Island, Nunavut ♦ Manitoba ♦ Northwest Territories

Message: Don't understand the warrants...

Hi riskit01, I am by no means an expert, however I think the journey we are on is proving out, to a greater degree of certainty, the carats per ton in the targeted kimberlites. The less certain the carat estimates are, the less valuation the market will assign. In this case the (greater) certainty will be determined by the size of the bulk samples. The current drilling program will be significantly expanding the sample size, ultimately assigning a higher level of certainty. If the earlier results are confirmed or even expanded, the market will assign a greater SP. Conversely if the results are less than the earlier, smaller sample - the SP will be punished.

In terms of the warrants and the significance of April 6th (the warrants expiry date), the way I see it on one side, until the extent of subscription is finalized, the extent of share dilution is not known (I would view this as a downward pressure on SP). On the opposite side is the level of confidence that can be measured by the extent of exercise (particularly insiders) which I would view as an upward influence on SP. So, 2 forces acting in opposite directions, potentially holding the SP near the strike price of the warrants...0.21.

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