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Message: My Experience With Major Brokers...

Gamblor... Mr Woozlecat also use TD..Have been since '77 when I opened my first corporate account...I still use that corporate account as I sold the company but kept the account as a personal account ,with all the conditions kept in place over the years..

On that particular account I had established a $5000.00 overdraft at Prime +1%,which in '77 was enough ..

I later did what was then callled(Bridge loan,I think) ,I forget what they called it but was auto $5,000.00 chunks up to $15,000.00,,same rate same deal..

I still have that account in place that I use for my daily account and it slays TD...

Their best overdraft ,as far as I know from TD personal is ,even for staff $2500.00 overdraft and 21.5% interest...

Every few years they send me a nice little letter asking me if I would like to upDATE my account and get some new terms....

I allways make sure that I contact the sender personally by phone and ,all though I am smooth as snot,gently tell them I am very happy with TD terms and conditions,a copy of which I have in front of me stating the conditions and rates signed at...XXXXXX..on such and such a date ..blah..blah and laughallthe way home from the bank..

And my personal bank account when I turned 60 became what is called a Plan 60 account waives all fees..except my ODP(Over draft protection fee which is $3.00 and month......Ummmmm..I'll have to get on them about that...taking advantage of an old codger..

So I don't pay any checks..withdrawal ..Green machine withdrawls or any other fees including money orders or traveler checks fees..

And my trading fees like Yours mr Woozlecat are >$9.99...bottom upper or lower limits or volume fees..and like you have enough to qualify...I don't know what that ammount is now but it used to be minimum..$500k when I got it..

And I sit at my computer and chat and trade and hassle Chuk dog on the other board and generally enjoy myself,taking lots of time off for walks..visiting with my and working and puttering around the estate..(I'm on an exterior trim painting gig and just finished up yesterday..An enjoyable little exercise I completed....

Ahhhhh Retirement..

Going to spend most of August and September travelling..and hosting my daughter and grandson and son in law with reciprocal trips ,us to see the their new house in Indianana...

So discount trading pays..

I also have a couple of full broker accounts with them that I pay a % of the trade value..

I grit my teeth and use that only as a last resort and tend top purchace no fee investment vehicles,such as mutual funds(The fees are hidden and so I don't see them up front..If I did trading of any volume in those accounts,he'd soon have the $250 K I gave him to play with would be in his pocket and my accounts would be zero...


BUt Yes..I love long as I have lots of money and they love long as I have lots of money...

I love it when I shuffle into the bank ,with a long line up ,In my "Street person,shabby,sitting on the curb,selling pencils"gear to cash get some cash out and ,although I could easily get some cash from the green machine,like to wait till the bank is full ..then shuffle into the bank line up and see how long it is before someone recoginizes me and walks over..gently"Assist" me out of the line up to an empty till and gets me my cash on a friendly chit-chatty way and leaves every one gawlking at me..

I love it!!

Why have a lots of money if you can't have some fun///

Wooze ...My wife thinks I'm strange and won't go on my Beggar-bank run with me...should I get professional help for her..??

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