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Message: Drilling results..


I'm cyphering on the relationship between the CPS(counts per second) readings and the percentage of U3O8....

A scintillometer is an instrument that can measure the ‘amount’ of scintillations by emitting a beam of
light over a horizontal path. The scintillations ‘seen’ by the instrument can be expressed as the
structure parameter of the refractive index of air (Cn
2), which is a representation of the ‘turbulent
strength’ of the atmosphere. The turbulent strength describes the ability of the atmosphere to transport
scalars, such as heat, humidity and other species (dust particles, atmospheric gases). For a Large
Aperture Scintillometer (LAS/XLAS) with equal transmitting and receiving apertures the relationship
between the measured variance of the natural logarithm of intensity fluctuations (σlnI
2) and the
structure parameter is as follows
C2 =1.12 D L− n I σ

The higher the CPS the better U3O8 Percentage ..and the higher the background noise the better still which gives intensity and direction..

As for a pool..I better let Cedar run it ..I'll be off to enhance the US economy for a few weeks and will only be in and out..But I'll take the 29 May for what ever it is we are doing..

Cedar..did you get that..??

have a great trading day..


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