Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: 85 Pages of STUFF!

85 Pages of STUFF!

posted on Apr 21, 2009 04:35PM

It was an interesting read. Lots of information.

  • Recommendations for another 11000+ metres of drilling and exploration. The $3.25 million can be found in their Piggy Bank. And we know KXL has lots more cash for more drilling.
  • A little disappointed with the errors in sampling and at the assay labs. If the drill results are accidentally inflated, then this supports the "sell on news" mantra that some folks use.
  • Very disappointed when a "blank sample" returns 24.1 g/t Au!

For those in the know, do assay labs frequently have 23% failure rates on sampling accuracy?

So what does this piece of news mean for us KXL holders? Same Old Same Old. I believe that we are still in the hurry up and wait stage of the game. My outlook on this investment has not changed - I still have 6-12 months of patient waiting.

Be well KXLers.


Apr 22, 2009 07:41AM
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