Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: 85 Pages of STUFF / scintillometer / gold video
Apr 21, 2009 04:35PM

Gents, you are cheering me up.

Spiny what a sparkling video of the mining and making of gold bars. I watched it twice and it boosted my mood so much I could skip dessert. Not that I will.

Fantomas, thanks for the background on the scintillometer figures. Hathor is a big find that I've been following, and putting KXL's figures in perspective - as being very good - helps a lot. Chemistry will be the proof in the pudding. I knew KXL was very happy with their uranium exploration - I just couldn't tell from this latest report.

Kinghorn, sharp eyes. Was there really a blank that returned 24g? Mistakes happen. That said, the report writers did say everything was really in very good order. The general impression I got was that everything is being done to a very high standard.

We can still look forward to 1) NR probably on uranium chemical sampling - my guess is May 27 - Portee, are you running a pool again? 2) NR on merger or acquisition - whatever it is that KXL management seems so excited about - this one I don't pretend to understand either - anyone have a good idea? 2) the start of drilling in 7 weeks and then some more results.

I am pretty exhausted from KXL's drubbing and the long slog it's been, not to mention the nearly complete destruction of my worldly wealth, but I do remember that 2008 was a lousy Spring for us in terms of the stock price - Winter and Spring hate the gold explorers. If we're at a bottom then good.

I have my tomatoes, corn and watermelon in and they are setting 2nd sets of leaves. Will happily wait for everything to set 3rd sets of leaves - KXL included. Might even get some produce this year, sigh. Ganalane, got any magical fertilizer for veggies and gold explorers?

P.S. I need to diversify a bit - intend to pick up Kinross and Yamana - suggestions? I will post that q on Off Topic, thanks.

Apr 22, 2009 07:41AM
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