Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Maybe Gold IS money ??

From Agora Publishing ...

"It’s a sad day when a large property owner starts accepting gold instead of the dollar," says Donald Trump.

We were unaware that His Hairness cared a whit about gold. But now he’s accepting three 32-ounce bars as a deposit on a 10-year lease on one of his marquee buildings.

The precious metals dealer Apmex will take up residence on the 50th floor at 40 Wall Street in New York for a deposit in gold equal to $176,000.

Apmex, according to The Wall Street Journal, "is promoting the use of gold as a replacement for cash in some situations."

Trump appears to be on board with that sentiment, too. "The economy is bad, and Obama’s not protecting the dollar at all... If I do this, other people are going to start doing it, and maybe we’ll see some changes."

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