Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Prodigy article in Prior Gold (German market letter)


When learning any language the bad words usually come first and this piece of translation had words that I was not familiar with and some that don't translate or we use in different meanings..English being so flexible,other languages are hard done by to come up with appropriate words to translate meaning the same thing..

For example in this text are the words..

Schatzsuchers,,broken down ..Treasure...searchers meaning "Gold Explorers"

Goldunzen....broken ounces..

But a lot of the German is close to English and fairly easy to translate and makes sense..

The chart development of the young Canadian Schatzsuchers looks promising. Since January doubled itself the note of 0,34 to 0.83 dollar more than.(Bablefish literal translation)

Vielversprechend sieht der Kursverlauf des jungen kanadischen Schatzsuchers aus. Seit Januar hat sich die Notiz von 0,34 auf 0,83 Dollar mehr als verdoppelt.

My translation..

The chart on PDG looks promising for the young Canadian explorers,with the share price more than doubling from 0.34 to 0.83 since January...

So you see that you can't translate word for word and make any sense and although I am loosing more and more of my German every year ,some knowledge of the language helps in these translations..

Anyway is is good for us in any language and it was fun for me to sweep away some of the cobwebs and rust..


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