Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: On Side...

I am, and it's not. At least, not on reserve land, but that doesn't necessarily mean much, as many First Nations claim resource rights on areas that go far beyond their designated reserve lands.

Michipicoten First Nations has successfully won several cases to increase the size of their reserve base. They were screwed by the company that mined iron ore in the area and needed their land for developing a deep water port (Michipicoten Harbor). I know they had a number of other cases outstanding (I've not lived in Wawa for many years), but at no point did I ever hear of them claiming any land rights extending up towards Dubreuilville (where we are planning to mine Magino). They are situated between Wawa and Lake Superior.

The other reserves in the area are to the East: Missanabi, Chapleau, Brusnwick House, etc. Of those, Missanabi would be the closest. I don't know much about them and, as above, they could very likely claim 'traditional territories' outside their actual reserve boundaries.

No matter ... every company, and ours included, knows all of this and is normally very proactive in building good relations with the First Nations in whose 'territory' the exploration takes place. I've not heard of this happening at Magino, but I know we certainly did in Beardmore-Geralton.

And remember, this is not virgin land. We are operating on a brown zone which means the process for environmental and other approvals has been done previously and will be much easier this time around. Remember too that First Nations, if they have any legal claims at all, are not interested in stopping development in this area ... they are simply looking to receive some of the same benefits that we all hope to receive - and that is appropriate enough, as the communities of Dubreuilville, Wawa and Missanabie will also be looking to share in the wealth through local employment and spending. Good for them when it happens - they sure could use some good news in that area.

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