Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Freudian slip or Ripple impact

We are explorers..not miners..,,,repeat after me..."We are miners,not explorers..!

Ya caught me Monty..

We are explorers..not miners..,,,repeat after me..."We are miners,not explorers..!

Should read ..

We are explorers..not miners..,,,repeat after me..."We are explorers..not miners..!

Someone at the meeting has to ask why the CEO is a director..

Brian ,as far as I care could be either but not both..

Directors govern....CEO's manage..

A conflict of interests..

At the directors meeting how do they evaluate Brain as CEO...does he get to say..

"No Shit..That Brian feller is a great CEO...or do they kick him out and really tell each other what he is like..??

I didn't see Billy Bummlickers name on the sheet for director...Any way Brian ain't getting my 100,000 votes for director..

Ceo..OK..Director no...or the other way around but not both.


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