Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Freudian slip or Ripple impact


I see your point and I know it is widely done but look at is not a good business practice..

Like who holds the CEO's nuts to the fire if he is not making the share holders any money..??

His buddy's on the board..??

They get their gobs of options..and make zillions from the company now so they are not going to rock the boat..

But if the CEO wasn't performing and making the chairman rich and look good long would he last..Wasn't Bill Comedy in this position too>>>???

It was too frigging long dealing with Bill and blowing up his golden parachute and kissing ass all around..

You try and tell me this is good..???

Bullshit I say...Bullshit!!!!

Let managers manage and directors govern..

I will not waste or condone the practice with any company I invest in..and no votes from me For Mahar as director...

He will get it anyway..MY paltry 100,000 shares at one time was worth a listen./...Now...???

Might as well roll electric lettuce in them and smoke them..

Anyone else get their VIF Form(Voting instruction form...)????

Set the number of directors at 8..??No 6 two have to go...

The way I see it..

Keep the frigging overhead down ././....No wonder we are over 300 million shares outstanding..

We don't even get a say on the compensation board..I would like to see that before it is appreoved..

Think that will ever happen..

Makes you wonder..

Wonder how Billy Bummlicker is doing this year...

IF he is one of the Bummlickers from down around the Valley ,he has done well for himself/

Maybe Rico would know if he was from that family down the Annapolis Vally..lived up on South mountain...Jees ..there was an awful nest of them ..

I remember growing up in Slackers(Halifax) and there were a few of them over in St Pats High School..

All stemmed back to Old Grandpa Bummlicker ...a horny old sea captain..

Went ashore in Lunenburg and moved up on the South Mountain..

Had 6 or seven wives ,my brother told me...had 6-7 kids from them each except the last one ...13 they said ..It was the thirteenth one that killed him.Little boy...said he was born with two very pronounced bumps on his forehead and as soon as Grandpa saw his son he dropped dead....Deader than a shithouse rat,..he did,.,,..

Folks say he saw the devil coming for him and scared the billy be Jesus out of the kid was named William Joseph..because that was sort of a christian lucky name and after a while the bumps went down..until the kid got mad and then the nubs would turn beet red and start to swell..and you knew it was time to get lost..

Anyway I left home in '63 and saw the world..

Don't get down home much any more but keep in touch..Haven't heard of the Bummlicker much..//

Jees you think they would change their names..

They get pretty upset if you tease them..fight at the drop of a hat(You see why????)

We allways called them Bumlickers./.but not to their faces..

I believe that the name originally was an old central European name..spelled BUMLIKKR..

But got Anglicized along the line somewhere..

and always with two M'S..

Billy always tried changing his name in school..

Started with his Christion names in grade one..

William Joseph Bummlicker

Then to just William Bummlicker

Then Liam.Bummlicker..then Joey.Bummlicker..then Willy Joe.Bummlicker.

Then W.J.Bummlicker..

Then Billy Joe.Bummlicker..then Billy.Bummlicker..

Claimed he hated his he kept changing it...

IF the Billy Bummlicker that words for PDG is the same one ,,check any one that is going to the meeting for some guy with pronounced bumps on his forehead..My brother said more than one Bummlicker had the trait developed from the old sea captain I guess.

Brother said most likely wore a ball cap to hide the If you see anyone with a ball cap..try to get it off some how,...getting above him and spilling something on him usually is pretty successful..should make him mad enough to see them swell up too...

Then you would see a show,...

Meine GOTT!!!!

Look at the time..Tib..

Sorry I got a little side tracked ..but it is Sunday afternoon and story time...

Lucky i got three little grand sons to tell all my wonderfull stories too..and I go a ton of them./..

Here is one I'll share but I gotta lighten up..

We were at dinner and all the little boys..4 1/2...31/2....1 1/2 had finished dinner and the oldest was sitting next to me and we were having a great time..

This little guy is almost 5 going on 50 and doesn't like being told anything ,..except by his daughter..

anyway Nana starts handing out ice cream cones and we were all licking and laughing away because it was only the 2nd or third time they had ice cream cones..

I wasn't paying too much attention but saw the 5 year old slide off his chair and go over by his moms chair and was standing there licking his ice cream..

She said ..whats wrong honey..ever responsive to every little change in temperature or mood or whim of their children..and my grandson said...Poppa is trying to tell me how to lick my ice cream..!!

Geez..I was just showing them all how to lick it all the way around to stop the drips and lick them up..

Then they all started giving me a hard time about control and leave them do what they want..who cares it if drips all over the house..

but I gave in and didn't realize I was such a control freak..

Jeez it is hard being an old geezer..

I never had an ice cream cone till I joined the Air Force in '63..

KIds today..

Glad I'm not having any more..


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