Hello Peter:
The success with this middle east account is remarkable. One of the hardest things to do is to convince a manufacturer to adjust anything in his process, regardless of the benefit. That said, you had to provide sufficient benefit to the end client while satisfying the demanding needs of a middle man in the process. In other words, the benefit had to be split three ways. And that was for just 45,000 tonnes of primary dross. In addition, from preliminary information regarding the probable cost of these units which were sold, at a profit, I assume, for CDN$1MM each suggesting a margin here of well over 50% on this contract.
Putting everything together, why have we not considered treating dross as a business because there certainly appears, at least to me, a considerable margin and a huge opportunity here?
I know that you are a tech company and becoming a processor is outside of your corpoarate skill set and probably very distracting. That said, setting up a separate operating group would not be very difficult, really. Every resource is readily available, including financing, especially in the situation that you are now in!