A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Ceo only....response !!!!!!

007, Bisous is not a basher.  I don't believe so and I am not either.  My sense is that like me, he\she is an investor, not a trader, who own a piece of this company. As such, we are getting impatient of knowing so little while Peter has created expectations when alluring to big clients. 

When someone sit at a diner table and ask a question to a specific person, it is not everyone else to answer in its place. It is still simply a question and all the others at the table answer, it is only opinions.

Yes, negotiating contracts take time. In the meantime, CEOs request beliefs and\or faith. When we are talking about their but also our money. 

I do believe in what I know about this company, the product and the sincerity of this CEO. What I know, can read, can listen, etc..  I do not believe in faith only however. I choose facts and the right information. 

The stock price is showing nervousness because the investors are getting impatients. The price creates fortunes and\or losses. It is therefore perfectly normal for investors to get nervous and impatients. Especially if the stock show a trend downward and the information they get is not much. I do not find confirmation of 1-2 torches within 3 months with all possible orders, much of an information, that is my opinion and I am entitled to it and with respect. 

Therefore, my request to the CEO at the table,is about having more information on client A. At this point in time,  details of the draft contract only are supposed to be yet in negotiations. The number of torches has certainly been agreed upon and the price.  


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