A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: To Peter: patents for iron ore pelletization and RISE

Peter, thanks for the response. 

The question regarding LKAB/RISE was not for gossip sake, but a result of due diligence discussions that are always ongoing on the forums as to whom PYR’s pending clients may be. It might have been surmised, based on PYR patent ownership earlier than the Swedish test projects, and/or if it could be established that PYR’s early interest in plasma pelletization was somehow related academically or from a personnel perspective to LKAB/RISE, that it was PYR who put the notion of plasma burners in play with LKAB/RISE. If so, investors might then better estimate the odds for LKAB/RISE being the eventual clients, and make further investment decisions accordingly. So, I thought I’d ask you. Maybe a little abstract, but not uncommon forum thinking.  

Thanks for the invite to post on Agoracom more; I don’t find it particularly user-friendly, but if you’re ever on that other CEO forum we’d be happy to hear from you. The shorter conversational-style flow is certainly harsher at times in its brevity and immediacy, and much less considered or thought-through from a posting perspective (which can absolutely lead to rubbing some the wrong way), but many CEOs communicate on there regularly and you’d be very welcome. 

As for the rest of your comments, well, wow... that’s a disappointing take, but quid pro quo on the condescension and we’ll call it even ;) . 


Re: To Peter: patents for iron ore pelletization and RISE

in response to

To Peter: patents for iron ore pelletization and RISE



posted on Nov 11, 2020 03:04PM

Dear Midtownguy

Thanks for posting.

I think its pretty clear that Sweden’s strategy to lower carbon emissions was the reason why LKAB and RISE focused on the issue.  That and my telepathic messaging of course.

How did we come about investigating iron ore palletization in the first place has been lost in annals of PyroGenesis’ history, which may speak to some degree as how we operate here as a team here.

I hope that helps but I am a bit confused as to how the answers mean anything aside from an “interesting to know type of gossip.”  Did I miss anything?

I also notice Midtown, that you are a frequent poster on other platforms.  To the most part you have interesting observations which reflect to some degree an appreciation of what is going on in business (albeit from a text book perspective). Other times I think it is a totally different poster, with only a rudimentary understanding of what it actually takes to grow a company from ground zero in real time.  Text book is good for a classroom situation, or business school analysis, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.  In the real world Midtownguy, the battlefield is constantly changing with unscripted scenarios.  No two battles are the same, and text book strategies take a back seat to life.  I think it was best said by MT himself when he commented that “Everyone has a plan until he gets punched in the mouth”.  I think you have to get punched in the mouth a couple of times to understand that, something not taught in textbooks or classrooms.

All this to say that I really do appreciate your commentary notwithstanding its condescending tone at times.   However, there are many other times that I just shake my head and think “this boy just doesn’t get it”. I think if you just pause a moment and reflect on what is actually taking place, rather than what you think may be taking place in some deep dark corner, you might enjoy the narrative a bit more than you do.

Plus, of course, feel free to post here where I can challenge you on some of your conclusions. It may benefit investors a lot more.

Hope that helps,



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