A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Legend

Dear Frank,

Good to see you.  First time I think? Welcome; thanks for posting.

It might surprise you to know that I rarely, if ever, entertain messages from Stockhouse.  I sometimes go to CEO.ca, where the dialogue is a bit more serious, but even there some of the riff raff get airtime.

By riff-raff I mean any person or group of people who purposefully manipulate information with the sole purpose of making a profit…either pumping/bashing…to me it makes no difference.  Don’t get me wrong…longs and shorts paly a role in maintaining a reasonable stock price.  They both help maintain a stock price within reasonable bounds while taking a different view on the same FACTS.  That is the difference between good players and bad players.

There was one (adjective deleted) poster awhile back that posted several links to information from which he concluded the IUS Navy deal had tanked and we were hiding the fact and we will never sign the contract.  Interestingly enough, it was clear to me that anyone that did such DD would know that that was not the case…and in fact we signed the contract several weeks later. That is one of many such cases of riff raff.

Now although I am rarely on other platforms there are those that I work with that do that for me with a threefold intent: 1) gauge what investors are asking and maybe I can include such info in a future press release, 2) circulate interesting links to those in the company that could benefit from it, and 3) (as of late) monitor libelous behavior.

With respect to Uncle Ron (I looked at some of his posts before responding to you), what can I say? You say he is a legend of sorts? Cute. I do not think it is appropriate to discuss other posters here unless they post to me directly. However,…this one time…I will make an exception and go out on a limb and suggest that maybe…just maybe…Uncle Ron is the type of guy that will say something preposterous and then sit back and enjoy the show…chuckling along the way.  In a weird way I could see myself doing that when I’m retired...hell, I wish I could do that now.  Notwithstanding that, it is curious how he has been spot on a couple of times over the past 6 months or so, no?

Hope that helps,


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