A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: NASDAQ uplisting and current PYRNF share disposition

My apologies to the forum.. New to this and didn't realize the radio icon buttons for message type.. 

Dear Peter, It seems there is a new exciting corner this company is turning every other week.

I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to purchase shares in the company from America on the OTC:BB. I am a Navy veteran and your PAWD's application captured my interest after a shareholder tipped me off about your company.

Back in 1982, I was one of those sailors in the Mediterannean Sea poking holes in the bags and tossing them off the fantail. I recall doing it then leaving an empty pit in my stomach. I hope this part of the company really takes off for cruise ships and any vessel for that matter that must spend a large amount of time at sea and it is financially practical to install on board..

I am curious about what happens  ( if anything) to the shares of PYRNF should the uplisting occur? Will there be a conversion via the transfer agent in some fashion? Many Canadian stocks on the OTC have an "F" at the end and I was told this meand "Fund" so.. you more or less own them in street name in a big bucket so to speak? If anyone knows please feel free to correct me.

If there has to be a transition of some sort through the transfer agent.. I would love it.. Here is the why and forgive me as I get a bit wordy..

Back in the mid 2000's I was one of 40K shareholders involved in the largest certificate pull in the history of any stock market.. A book was written about the entire thing.. "The Naked Truth, Investing in the stock play of a lifetime".


The premise being that many shareholders thought the company CMKX/CMKM Casavant Mining, was "Naked Shorted" in the trillions of shares. The SEC said there was no such thing as naked shorting until they protected 8 of the largest financial instutions from that practice on day one of the financial collapse 2 or 3 years after we were delisted.

Near the end, a man by the name of Robert Mahue bacame our Co-CEO.. A company trading at .0001? If the name doesn't sound familiar.. He and his son Peter owned a company called Global Intellegence Corp.. Mahue was one of the first "Spooks" in the US.. His company vetted companies for venture capitalists whom were interested in investing in. He had ex KGB,Mossad, MI6,etc on the payroll as they investigated companies on a global scale.. 

Mr Mahue was Howard Hughe's alter ego.. He worked for him for 17 years and never met Howard face to face.. Through this partnership, they cleaned up Vegas for the most part, eradicating the mob from Vegas.. Mr. Maheu was also one of the archtects of the Bay of Pigs if I'm not mistaken.

So it was odd when he came in to our little fledgling company.. Some thought the Government was involved as it was discovered Naked Shorting was something terrorists were using to raise capital for operations and our company was a sting operation to expose this network.. 

Unfortunately, the practice was far and wide within regular trading houses and it destroyed thousands of companies. I read an estimate back in late 2000's that over 7000 companies where destroyed by this practice. 

Of course companies rise and fall for many different reasons but for Governments to allow for this gross malfeasant practice to even exist is disturbing at best. 

So I am curious if you are covering two birds with one stone..  I am curious if this effort will FORCE these bastards to go to the market to get legitimate shares. That would be sweet justice to some of the most vile creatures walking this planet.. 

If this is what the fallout may be of this uplifting, shareholders who are long term holders cheering this company on as it moves through it's successes need to know... There may be a violent attempt at destroying this company by driving the share price down severely. The naked shorters if they need to cover, are not interested in paying fair market value.. That I know is rhetorical but people need to know there is a potential storm brewing IF there is a share conversion at the Transfer Agent.

If you cannot give any insight on this Peter I understand.
I want to tell you I believe in this company so much, I have convinced 3 coworkers and a friend to purchase shares and they love company. They've allso bought HPQ.

I am 3 hours down the road in NH and look forward to shaking your hand some day as what you and your team are providing to the world and mankind really is a net positive and should be applauded. Thank you sir for the opportunity and much success to you, your team and Uncle Bernie.. lol

Doug.. AKA Casavant'sghost.

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