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Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Re: Berzy on building [Rome] takes time.

I agree. Rome wasn't built in a day. Personally I lack the time to day trade, and I welcome investments that have the potential to be the next "I wish I had bought Amazon at X".

I've always found it amusing when I see super suspicious people on other unmoderated boards, such as yahoo finance, all screaming that the sky is falling. These people seem to have a plethora of time to bash the stock, but claim that they don't have any personal interest in the stock. If that were true, one might wonder why they spend so much time bashing Pyrogenesis. At some point it becomes rather obvious what their objective is.

There's a common joke on a popular board that all of the posters are the same person, let's call them "E". Part of the problem is this person made a couple mistakes, and the evidence is stacked overwhelmingly against him-her-them, that they have multiple accounts to trash Pyrogenesis. Even if certain posters are not this E guy, even if they are actually different people, they are still effectively this E guy. The E guy is no longer a person, its an attribute to what kind of person a negative stock influencer is. The E guy has become a filler term for the kind of person that profits from convincing others the sky is falling. The E guy is not looking out for you, only himself/herself/themself, although they may trick you into believing they are looking out for you, they are not.

The name and game is always the same, post a bunch of garbage all throughout the day to try to get others to panic sell their stock, driving the price lower on the retail-investor side. There may already be movement by these posters and other institutions, so, one would assume, they believe their efforts to force average retail investors to panic sell is in their best interest.

I don't know what the stock price should be, but I do know I'm very happy with my early January investment in Pyrogenesis. The E guys say things like "Haha you bought at the top! See you at X baggy!". I know many of us bought at pre-January lows and did not sell at the top, simply because we see the value of the market, beyond the youtube hype. 

One of the common themes of the market is that you can not time it. Without inside information, we can not accurately say "this is the top, I will sell", and it's even harder to do so when you are a long term investor speculating on the game-changing future of Pyrogenesis. Although I could be wrong about Pyrogenesis's future, it is my wager that I am correct and that not selling at the top will benefit me long term. Even if in this period of no new contracts -- Where Peter can not publicly tell us news that would make the stock rebound because he is bounded by financial regulators. 

I believe in Peter. I bought at January lows on the premise this is a long term value investment. I will ride this red short wave into hell if I have to, because I truly believe the path into outer space has yet to come.

Not financial advice, just a guy writing his thoughts in response to bashers like "E" (a placeholder name!)  and a period of speculation.


Hope this helps anyone who has been feeling odd by recent events


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