A World leader in advanced plasma processes

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Message: Questions related to the new production line for AM

Hi Peter,

Great news today on locking in the production line and beginning production of AM powders.

I'd like to ask a few questions about the line and how it compares to competition and world production rates.

Whatever you cant answer is fine but i'm trying to help educate potential investors on how impactful this production line is compared to competition.

  1. You say the rate is 25 KG/hr. How does this compare to competitors production rates?
  2. What is the duty cycle of the production line? Does it run 24x7 or is it shift based with downtime?
  3. Does each line require employees to operate it. Can it run autonomously without human intervention (aside from maintenance/upkeep/repair)
  4. This rate is for 1 tower/production line as well. What sort of footprint does a production tower/line take up?
  5. What can you say about pricing per KG vs competitors? (comparisons more so than hard pricing numbers. We know you cant give exact pricing.)
  6. Assuming 24x7 operation a line could produce 200,000kg a year roughly per production line. What size of the market are you looking to address in terms of production. For example HPQ with the nano silicon production, will be producing more than the entire world is now when the commerical production plant comes online in a few years. Is the same sort of world production capacity going to expand to this scale with AM powders and how much of the world production capacity do you see PYR producing?

Thanks as always Peter.

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