A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: New facility

Moved in May 1st and already making use of the new floor space. I imagine there will be some expansion of the shipping department as production ramps up and orders are filled and shipped out the door. 

I am feeling pretty excited about the future. The last year has been tough on everybody but can just imagine how tough it was running a company and trying to build relationships with customers through the internet during Covid. I retired about this time last year from a job that was all built on building and maintaining personal relationships through face to face meetings and hand shakes. I could have kept working but trying to do all this through "zoom" just wasn't for me. 

The technology is so new and hard to understand for a lot of PYR's customer base and having to explain things through computer modeling and from another location either phone line or zoom would be hard to build trust. I expect as we start to put the pandemic behind us PYR's sales and engineering teams will be able to meet customers face to face and put working models together running tests and adjusting settings with the customers right there with them. Relationships form, trust builds and from there sales flow.

Great work Peter by you and your team.

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