A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: PyroGenesis Selected to Provide $9.2 Million Land-Based System to Destroy PFAS; An Emerging Hazardous Waste Stream

Hello Peter,


Thumbs up for this PFascontract!! a worldwide problem!! In Belgium we have the firm 3M that has years and years spoild the water and this problem is now on the first place on the politicians agenda!

I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Pyrogenesis is the ultimate green stock on this planet! I am very proud to be a shareholder in this growthstock of the green industrialisation to save the climate and offer a future healthy planet for generations to come!!


Peter, you ARE MY NUMBER ONE!!!


A very very very happy shareholder from Belgium!!!

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