A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Some research on Naked shorting

My experience on this subject matter is long and painful. 
I posted a message with 3 links explaining the process via an Emmy award winning expose done by Bloomberg.

The practice is "supposedly" illegal in the US but not in Canada. 

The trading week at the end of 2021 with over 7 million shares of failure to deliver paints an ugly picture. 

The brokers ARE collecting their fees and many no longer charge fees anymore per trade anyway.

Naked shorting is not dissimilar to the Federal Reserve firing up the printing presses. 

Those FTD shares never properly settled go right into one's account looking exactly like they've settled.

It is a form of dilution in a sense.

Proving ones's shares are FTD'ed is another matter.

To your point yes, all the company needs to do is deliver on their business plan and of some day a dividend of some kind is anounced... musical chairs WILL be played.

As the share price has dropped recently, so has our P/E ratio.

I believe it is 70 now. 
There are but a couple things that will make that look a bit more palatable. 

1. The price keeps dropping to be on par with earnings..


2. Blockbuster earning.

Obviously the latter is much more desirable as it may bring in more investors to want shares in a company firing on all as many cylinders as possible.

In turn, it looks more like a company that is healthy and not a victim for the thieves in nefarious land.

I don't want to clog up the forum with this subject and just felt with the recent activity, a spot light needs to be shown on this subject as it relates to our company because in my opinion, someone is F'G with our investment and I'm not a fan of such things. 

Most of us work hard for our money and only ask for a fair and honest system so as to sink or swim based upon legitimate market fundamentals.

I don't think it's asking too much.

How the company handles this potential issue is something I am also observing.

My antenna mast is all the way up on all fronts. 

If they would just hang a couple of these people counterfeiting shares, it might deter the rest? 

Yea.. yes I am that extreme about the subject matter.


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