A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Re: Termination of Automatic Securities Disposition. .To Peter

Dear Sorrenson,

You have a few decent questions mixed in there but there is too much loaded stuff that Peter can’t respond to as a CEO…  but another shareholder can…   Please see my {comments and speculations} throughout.  Hope this helps… :o)

You wrote:

Obviously many people are relieved {that's very subjective… some perhaps were relieved... some were simply “Meh…” and some like myself were disappointed as the Mellon trust selling has been a great source of discounted shares}

that you have canceled the sale of the remaining portion of  800,000 shares especially due to the low stock price at this time {a fair comment… Peter is clearly looking out for shareholders with this cancellation… only 5 trading days left to sell ~730k shares… the timeline is too tight}

and the perception of the CEO doing mass selling of shares which I believe was over 2.5 million since April plus any undeclared as of this evening. {It’s actually a lot more shares and for a lot longer than that… more like 7M shares total. A ~12M peak balance in Feb 2021 is now ~4.8M today - over about 18 months.  Recall though that 2.5M of them were transferred to his son… so about 5M shares have been sold slowly and methodically on the open market.  From my perception (Warning: Speculation)… Mellon is likely a Pascali private family trust that went off it's path and helped fund Pyro in the lean times many years ago but now it’s time to get back on the origianl path.  Peter stated once the word “family” in response to a recent question on this and he also stated “real estate” was the trust’s real focus… not holding shares of publicly traded companies. So it's simply time it got back to doing that is my take. Trusts have rules and limits and checks and balances, and they are governed , audited, and overseen. Selling and going back to what it was originally created for is likely not just a choice but a requirement}.

The stopping of sale has raised questions. {Of course it has… but what you ask next is bit out of left field. How does stopping the sale relate to what comes next?} 

Can you confirm the current status of the client A project in Brazil {They NR’d that Client A is doing a 90 day SAT and if that changed there would be another NR… and who said it was in Brazil… that is speculation ;o) }

and whether the infrastructure has been proceeding {again speculation on your part… who knows what they are doing with that torch?  They may want to try in several places where they use high heat and this may be why it will take more time}

and that the SAT test will occur on or before  Oct 31  as per the previous delayed schedule announcement of July. {delayed at the request of the Client and it could be delayed or extended again… who knows… I see it as a positive… that they are expending energy/time/thought/infrastructure experimenting with this torch... it bodes well for an eventual order in my opinion}

Do you have any information or reason to believe this will not occur and additionally that client A will not be proceeding or will be delaying the Project. {until we see a new NR we should assume all is well and things are moving forward as per the last NR on the subject.}

Can you confirm all the work that pyrogenesis has to do in regards to the install has been completed and we are simply waiting for the client to complete their work.  {a decent question… in the last NR https://ceo.ca/@globenewswire/pyrogenesis-confirms-delivery-of-plasma-torch-to-one  re-read the paragraph that starts with: “The SAT was initially scheduled…”.  I would think that the pyro “work” was to build it and ship it to the Client, and then likely for Pyro engineers to be on hand to "consult and advise" throughout the SAT while the Client goes through their program of tests that they have determined}

If proceeding I presume you have staff down there overseeing this {I agree as above}

and any pictures and specifics you could provide in regards to the  status of the infrastructure improvements would be helpful and would  reassure your shareholders { a bit of a longshot today I'd say… but maybe we when all is said and done and the curtain is pulled back and everyone finds out officially who Client A is etc etc… I agree it would be nice to “see” something of what is going on… how it is installed and perhaps a torch in action… a picture tells a 1000 words and I for one would appreciate seeing one at some point}

Best regards,

Tim in Vancouver


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