Donice...thanks for all of that. I am glad that you were able to recoup some of your investment. I came a little late to the party so I am underwater. No worries, because we need to be patient. I am in it for the long hall. Big companies take their time with their decisions...but when they move, the outcomes can be rewarding and long lived (until they move on to another technology or provider). The 3D powder seems to be progressing and light is at the end of the tunnel. Also, Drosrite is such a value add it will sell itself once it gains further attraction or industry adoption. The torch induration seems to be taking longer but I can see why this would take more time with all of the electrical retooling that would need to take place and the assurance that it works well within their existing production process. All of this is very exciting we just need to be very patient with the timelines and other external factors outside of the control of PYR.