A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast

Did I say spaceX is at same level of difficulty/achievement!?  My point was to expose your false narrative and all your FUD agenda.  You clearly state that it is 'easy' to get on US Aircraft carrier...prove and back that up and I vow to never post against ever again.  

The poster just stated he loved the statement 'slow is smooth and smooth is fast' by Bezos and Peter and you go off a tangent bringing in Musk.  Both Bezos and Musk were ridiculed far worse in the early years and were under short attack ..that is a fact.  

You criticize Peter's choice of home. Since when does that have anything to do with the company he runs when it is his own money that he can spend as he sees fit.  You claim publicly you hate the company and the CEO...why don't you just sell?  But no you come here and other forums day in day out all hours to bash your own investment!???? Ya right.

You sound very simliar to tamarack fool that posts on SH and northernman on ceo.   You and your buddies zaphod/sorrenson should get ready for what's coming IF that is the case.  

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