1st Question: What is Pyrolysis and is a Plasma torch a viable idea for this process?
So you ask questions and expect us to run down a rabbit hole or is attaching a link supposed to fool people into believing you are credible because you added more questions.
Here is a link for a teleportation patent application, teleportation Patent application It uses heat so is a plasma torch a viable idea for this process also?
Does Pyrogenesis have a PFAS contract NO
Did Pyrogenesis do any testing or build anything related to the PFAS contract...NO
Is there several incinerators already operating that destroy PFAS without plasma . YES
Does that study say anything about PLASMA torches. NO
Does that study say anything about destroying PFAS using unicorn poop? NO
Does the study give equal weighting to Plasma torches and Unicorn Poop. YES
If you have actual facts please provide them not just trolling questions or useless references like a 911 twuther.