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Message: Naked Short Selling and Stock Manipulation

Hi, am posting this as a question/fyi/something to be looked into.  Thanks to analyst8 for the comments below:

Peter - PYR should hire shareintel .. https://shareintel.com/  and put this issue to rest.

The first sign was the fail to deliver back at the end of December 2021  https://fintel.io/sftd/us/pyr when the Canadian market was closed and millions of shares were traded. I believe the short sellers do not intend to ever cover their short position here and continue to pile in. Just look at the current borrow rate (83%) and they continue to short. Just look at how aggressive the narrative has become when the shorters are posting on down market days and totally disappears when the stock is up. I believe there is a place for shorters if it's done legitimately but not naked short selling. This will cause real harm to a great company and many, many retail investors. 

Two very interesting and informative videos on naked short selling and stock manipulation.  Recently Genius Group Limited (GNS) took legal action (see the first video) against short selling and manipulation.  Would be worth investigating/reaching out to the lawyer that GNS used, Wes Christian (in the first video):



Note in the investigation from the first video link, this type of naked short selling and manipulation can easily occur with companies under $2 billion market capitalization.

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