A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: From the CEO site FYI

@Namazon Email sent: Hi Mr McCormick, Are you able to share what the circumstances were around the recent Powder Metallurgy Review (PMR) article being written. https://www.pm-review.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/PM-Review-Autumn-2023.pdf Did Pyrogenesis approach PMR or did they approach you?


@Namazon Copy/Paste of answer: Hey, thanks for the question. It came out of left field. The article was completely unsolicited on PyroGenesis’ part. We were approached unexpectedly by PM Review magazine, who stated that they wanted to do a story about PyroGenesis Additive after the magazine had, to quote the magazine editor’s email, “been noticing the progress that PyroGenesis is making towards the ramping up of Ti powder production”. PyroGenesis did not pay for this article, nor did we purchase any advertising. It was all instigated by PM Review with zero compensation paid by PYR, as well as no promise of any future compensation. We were actually surprised to be contacted and obviously thankful for the coverage, as PM Review is a major industry source. Of note, it is the sister publication to Metal AM, another key industry magazine. (www.metal-am.com) Side note: according to the magazine editor, this issue of PM Review is also meant to be the issue that accompanies the upcoming Formnext Conference in Frankfurt on November 7, and will be distributed to the media prior and during the event, as well as by the magazine themselves at their booths. (https://formnext.mesago.com/frankfurt/en.html) Thanks again.


Sep 14, 2023 05:13PM
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