Sharing thoughts.
PYR is a long long hold for me.
It is kind of a snowplow. The heavy work is at the front, and it takes time and a lot of power to move all that snow. And everyone behind that plow after it has done its job benefits with an easy ride.
So, in the next few weeks, I expect to see a serious decline in shareprice. The paper to be delivered next week on torch progress may conclude that at least another year of testing will be done. Had it been different, the info would have leaked, and people would already be buying in, in anticipation of "a sale".
Over 800,000 insider shares will be sold at any price. There is no limit on how low it will go. Although it is likely there is the power to suspend the share sale, that powere iis unlikely to be excercised.
And, due to the low price, the stock will need to be "adusted" in order to retain listing.
All three factors may lead to a strong downside in the near term.
Yes I am an ardent supporter. If PYR can get through the next six months, daylight ahead.