A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Pyro Green-Gas signs $2.5 million contract

 I think this has the potential to be really huge, if it is successful. Its a global problem, and Pyro has a local solution. Every major city in the developed world, with a landfill and with green electricity, is going to want one. 

Worth keeping in mind is that silica is a desiccant and Pyro already has the know how to tweak any of their Sillicon reactors to make anhydrous silica...... if that's not what they're already using. 

I hope Pyro can patent the process - anyone with any expertise with plasma torches could copy it. I guess.

Onward and upward :-)





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