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Message: Re: Different Buyers

Aug 11, 2008 08:08AM

I can tell u that Morgan S sells in norway to buy cheaper in canada, so just trade I think, they have found out some way ro play this. Norway closes at 16,30, this must be about 10.30 in canada, at this time norway has been down manny times, also cause it folows canada at the time u open(9.30). 2-3weeks ago some new investors came and was very possitive on QEC, would not sell, they keept it 1nkr(.19cn$) up, but had to let it go at last. I watched this from the sideline also thinking about what went on and think this has been it, cause I have read what they have talked about on the norway and danish forum(they have been bullish, but slowed down, cause of oil/gas going down and realising they had to be long on this one. Thats my thaughts about it.

Aug 11, 2008 01:37PM
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