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Message: Andre Caille interview in Le Courrier Sud

Sorry about that. Google translation:

French to English translation

We have been criticized in the past - not wrong, actually - not to inform enough people. We therefore wanted to start a public information campaign in May, but various factors have forced us to push back a little in time.

(CS): What are the main topics discussed during the meetings?

(CA): We want to explain the cycle of our operations, seismic survey until the end of production, so that people understand the process and know how to manage risks put forward by some opponents project. We also want to hear what people have to say about it, to harmonize well with our project in their expectations and create economic activity and jobs in the community.

(CS): Exactly, will there really jobs for Quebecers? We often hear that companies working in the area all come from abroad ...

(AC): Not true! For a moment I'll put my hat administrator Junex. This is a Quebec company that owns 50% of exploration permits on the shales in Quebec. But even if it holds a large percentage of permits, Junex needs that other companies are investing capital and deploy their expertise here. Indeed, for the moment, some specialized services in the industry are not found in Quebec. It is hoped that over time these companies open offices here.

(CS): How many jobs could be created then?

(AC): Note that the industry needs manpower and it involves several trades. When commercial production begins, about 2015-2016, it is estimated that the industry will provide 5000-19 000 jobs per year, depending on the results obtained on the ground and patterns of development.

(CS): Agree to economic activity, but people do not want the industry to grow at the expense of their quality of life they fear the noise and visual impacts that may result from the exploration and Operating gas ...

(CA): Where possible, operators will move away from urban areas: they will not settle for the express purpose behind the village church! In addition, the industry wants to establish good neighborly relations, and it will therefore its best to minimize impacts.In a future code of good practice, which will be signed by each of our members, the minimal distance will be established and must be scrupulously observed. We would even be open to the idea that this code becomes a government regulation.

(CS): With regard to the environment, the media have reported the contamination of groundwater and surface water by chemicals used in the process of fracturing ...

(AC): In any industry, there are risks, ours is no exception. That said, we are able to manage these risks.

How? First, we must know that there is barely 0.05% of chemicals in water used for fracturing. These chemicals, they are generally at home: products for cleaning contact lenses, chlorine, oil like canola oil, etc..

As for groundwater, it seems impossible that we contamination: it is located at a depth of 100 feet ... while our operations are conducted at a depth of over 2000 meters!Nevertheless, we will still be extra careful in protecting it with a steel box.

Furthermore, a reservoir will be constructed on the drilling platform to recover the water in case of reflux, and prevent re-entering the water table. This water will be analyzed and discharged into a municipal sewage plant, if it obtains a permit, or when treated by specialized companies who make compatible to discharge into surface waters.

(CS): All kinds of myths related to the operations of the companies you represent currently circulating, how do they really?

(AC): People sometimes think that drilling rigs will appear everywhere! This is not the case.

For us, the first step is to conduct a seismic survey to locate the shale formation. The unit is mobile and each stop takes 15 minutes. It should be noted that this is not because one goes to a place you arrive the next day with a drill ...

By cons, if an interesting place is located, we will install it ... but no matter how! First, we knock at the door of the landowner and conclude an agreement with him to allow us to install our equipment. Therefore, we will build a platform and the drill, which resembles a small round of Bell Mobility or Telus happen. She will be present for approximately one month, time to dig the hole.

Thereafter, only the platform will remain on site. From this facility, we can dig horizontal wells dedicated to mining. That there will be more back and forth and noise circulate several trucks, heavy equipment will be used to pump water at high pressure in the soil, etc.. This usually lasts about ten days, maybe a little more, depending on the number of fractures to be performed.

After the trucks disappeared, like the machine to pump water. It then installs the wellhead, which resemble fountains as high as around a door. The platform, it remains in place in anticipation of another fracture within a few years.

(CS): What does it once all the available gas has been extracted?

(AC): Everything is cemented and covered with topsoil. This ensures that no surface activity can not reach the cap that was implemented. If we are on farmland, this cap will be installed at sufficient depth not to interfere with agricultural drains.

(CS): Where will all this gas?

(CA): It will be sent in pipelines that join existing networks, such as that of Gaz Metropolitain. It will feed any plants that need it, such as paper mills or foundries.

(CS): Do we really need this resource in Quebec?

(CA): Currently, all natural gas consumed here comes from Alberta, our challenge is to produce enough to meet our needs, that is to say, 200 billion cubic feet per year.When buying natural gas in Calgary, it takes a loss of only 5% to power compressors for gas to get to their destination. In short, if you produce gas in Bécancour, use 5% less gas. In addition, using natural gas would significantly reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases: for the same amount of energy it produces 30% less CO2 than oil.Is not negligible.

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