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Message: Controversial shale gas development threatens continued debate in 2011


It has nothing to do with gas prices...that argument that I've seen in the papers isn't correct and for the reason that we are in an exploration phase right now and will not get out of it until another 50 wells are drilled. Quebec has already said that no exploitation before 2014...that's a ways away still.

They will get the legislation in place sooner than later imo. The government has got the ball rolling big time with old friends of Charest being thrown into the mix and Talisman even getting ex party members from Quebec.

I would not be counting out any type of leverage that gas companies have. These guys don't care about it as much...take a look at Talisman...their Marcellus has been put on hold but they aren't too phased...they are saying either get with it in a timely manner, or the money goes elsewhere.

I've heard the government, and resources minister reiterate many times that importance of not slowing down, and losing any momentum created. We are talking about still defining a resource and the type of commerciality.

Placing a moratorium makes absolutely no sense as we don't even know what exactly we really have here. Is it commercial? Absolutely...does Talisman say this, no they don't. There comments are always "we don't know if this play is commercial, but we are very encouraged by the results"...again by not giving out Leclercville results. These companies are playing politics too and keep card close.

A moratorium makes absolute sense for developed plays that have had problems, like the Marcellus and for reasons already discussed. In Quebec we have had a hand full of wells and that isn't a drop in the bucket of what is really needed to make a fair diagnosis. I've heard calling for a moratorium pointless from even some people that are against shale gas...what most people are looking for is legislation and rules in place.

The understanding is the key. I'd say a huge chunk of people that voted no in those polls have no idea about any of it...ie. how it works, what it really is etc. There thoughts are based on a fear mongering media and misinformation to a huge degree. An example...remember when the markets hit 7500pts. The media for 6 months destroyed the markets...people saying it would go down even more to 3000pts etc...well what happened, we're back up 6000pts...unreal! I know many people personally that lost huge money because they realied on the media for the info...but did they actually think about how markets work, the experiences from past bubbles and drops...logic prevailed and the smart ones bought low and made a killing....compare this with just the way peoples minds work with regards to information on shale or something new...how many farmers in Quebec or rural areas are going to go through tons of information to make up their minds...if they are hearing all their info from neighbors sayings it's the devils work and preaching fear, well then odds are they'll take their word for it.

This is the case in any new project anywhere in the world...people will come out and fight and most have no idea why they hate it...odds are it isn't because they've done all the work. I bet I could easily defend shale gas to the large majority of environmentalist in Quebec and other citizens against it because I have the knowledge in it...any argument they make I can probably counter it with the right information and in depth analysis for them...but if you are completely against something, you will find only the bad in it and forget the rest...who's going to bother trying to find the correct information to make themselves think otherwise.

Who here on this board knew that aquifers in Pennsylvania were messed up because of very shale horizontal drilling? Frankly I only found out a little while ago...but what does a hater of shale say, "aquifers were contaminated"...but why? what happened? how does this relate to Quebec shale, or Texas shale depths? etc etc

Toyota (I'd say one of the most respected car manufacturers in the world) had major recalls last year...so does this mean we stop driving Toyota's forever? or stop driving calls altogether? Of course not, that'd be considered silly. Well what makes shale any different? And saying faulty cars can't harm or put the lives of many at risk is ridiculous, because it can just like shale problems can if they occur. The idea is to move forward in a way that is respectful of the people, environment, and agriculture around.

This is brand new for Quebec, I'm sure mainy their are shocked they have this after all these decades...so for them to be nervous is normal...most humans are apprehensive of the unknown...but to dismiss it completely based on false information is absolutely ridiculous.

The BAPE and it's members, the government of Quebec are not dumb by any means. They know all of this. It's what moves economies forward and developes nations. Throw in a Quebec drowning in the red with debt and wants energy independence, and you get some perspective. If we treated every case of a new energy resource or industry with a tunnel vision of a straight no, we'd be back heating our houses with wood and coal.

Anyway, I have no doubt things will get going soon. The arguments of moving fast yada yada is pure bs...because I'm sure Alberta just today drilled 10 times more wells than Quebec has ever done in it's history. Gas prices in 2014 will be way better when they can actually make tons more money and by then I'm seeing a much larger dependence on NG in North America...in the meantime we need to figure out what's under all that land, how easy will it come up and how we can maximize drilling...all the things requied for a full production phase. You have to learn how to walk before you can run...and that saying goes well here.


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