"Questerre Energys timeframe for commercial development of shalegasproduction in Quebec is in line with the BAPE-reports recommendation about spending more time evaluating the environmental consequences of hydraulic fracking." - Dido
The company writes that it understand that, in a province without any experience with oil- and gasproduction, its necessary with more understanding around shalegas-drilling and exploitation. In the meantime the company will continue their exploration-program.
"Pilotwells will be allowed while the government goes through their strategic evaluation and we will drill and frack our pilotprogram during the evaluation." - Dido
This was the NR sent out by TDN Finans, after being contacted by IR-contact Anela Dido.
Unfortunally I only had the NR in norwegian, so you'll have to excuse the poor attempt to translate it into half-understandable english.
Anyways, it can't be much more clear then that. Nothings really changed, besides some more bad PR cause people doesn't understand whats up and down in any newly released information, the first week or so. On the other hand, several norwegian analysts that have followed the company for quite some time, also failed to understand with this actually ment for QEC, so no reason to feel bad ;)