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Message: SES implementation report (by Charles Coté in La Presse, October 29, in English)

The Committee on Strategic Environmental Assessment on shale gas still has two years of work before him, but its president, Robert Joly, already believes that municipalities should have a say on gas projects.

The Committee made its first public appearance on Friday by unveiling its "implementation plan".

Currently, the Mining Act takes precedence over all zoning regulations. "If the Act respecting land use planning and applied to those projects, it would be better, Joly said in an interview with La Presse yesterday. There is a feeling that we do not vote, among other things because of the Mining Act. "This specialist environmental investigations leads a committee of 11 persons whose membership has been criticized since the beginning of the majority of environmental groups, and by committees of citizens, who wanted to sit.

Yesterday, the Quebec Association of struggle against air pollution said that "at least six of the 11 committee members are associated with promoters [government and industry], many have already expressed a favorable bias toward exploitation.""This is a committee of experts, not a forum for debate, Mr. Joly replied yesterday. We develop the knowledge and committee members have the expertise to do it. "

Mr. Joly said he believes "very large" the committee's mandate, especially in terms of social and economic issues, but said there was no question of "re energy policy" of Quebec.In addition to environmental issues, issues of concern to citizens as home values ??and the landscape will be explored. All alternatives to the production of shale gas in Quebec will be considered, said Joly, including biogas, the production from waste will start in Quebec in the coming years."If mitigation measures are not sufficient [to protect the environment or society], could be recommended not to move forward," said Joly.

The committee yesterday drew an outline of public participation in its work. This will be done in three stages. First on the implementation plan, published yesterday. Then over the publication of many studies that must be controlled. And finally, after the publication of the final report in September 2013.The committee announced the formation of three "mirror committees" that will occur on each of the three major issues of the study: the environmental, social and economic.

Is this the place offered to citizens groups and environmentalists who say they are excluded from the process? Only if they work "according to the objectives" of the committee, said Joly. "We want these committees to help improve knowledge, to test hypotheses or alternatives," he said.Will there be hydraulic fracturing during the term of office? "We can not say now if it is needed or not," said Joly.This technique for extracting gas from shale is controversial because it involves the injection of millions of liters of water and chemicals into the reservoir. The Government stated that there would not fracture during the study period, except to improve scientific knowledge.

Formed in May, the committee has established 71 questions to deepen and issue mandates in the sense of external experts or the government. With a budget of 7 million for the duration of his term 30 months, the committee plans to spend 2.5 million on external studies, which will be awarded through competitive bidding.

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