New Technology for the $5 Billion Dental Equipment Industry


Message: Enlightened: Out of the Darkness into the Light!

Enlightened: Still in the front row!

Thanks PB22.... that first post was for you knowing you would delete... glad you got my message for the revised version.

The level of genuine debate on this site or iHub is unfortunately lopsided as many interested bloggers have been driven away or temporarily offline until further notice..... the reasons are obvious... there needs to be breathing room provided for honest debate... and there is GREAT room for improvement on both the honesty factor and breathing room.

As with other blog sites, members are permitted to say anything that may or may not resemble the truth without having to be held accountable or provide tangible references to support their argument. I would like to share some examples:

Comments like the CEO gave himself 355M shares is an outright misrepresentation of the facts. It was reported during the 2nd Qtr last year that the three individuals that represent TAG would acquire 55M shares each of a bankrupt company at that time. The fact that may have been intentionally misrepresented in previous posts is that the additional 300M shares are voting shares only....not ownership shares as posted.... this was clearly laid out in the company's SEC filing. This maneuver gives the parent company's CEO strong voting power..... is that a bad thing?.... if the CEO is a strong leader and a driver/driver type A personality, then I want my CEO to be placed in a position of strength to run the company unencumbered! As I stated months ago.... when looking at upstart companies to make investment bet on the jockey riding the horse....not the horse.

Time will tell if the CEO is a strong leader... but you cannot dismiss the facts:

a). He single handedly acquired LLSR for no money down and kept the dental business unit in play.

b). He acquired Raptor Networks Technology Inc. for 5M shares of a penny stock giving the company in return 80% equity share ownership. If my math is correct, that would be 5M shares of LLSR for 90M shares of RPTN post-split..... the accumulated losses of $92.5M transferred to the parent company can be debated at a later date..... but rest assured there are loopholes that permit a large portion of the accumulated losses to be transferred. Based on how he appears to be restructuring RPTN, there should be two large block holders above the 5% ownership threshold (the parent company at 90M shares and the former RPTN lien holder, CCE, at 13.5M shares). They are both regulated by the SEC since they are both above 5% share holders that they can only sell 1% of the outstanding shares/qtr..... my point.... there is only 8-9M shares in the float.....this is material in terms of supply and demand.

c). He formed TAG with a key partner, Grieg, that is the co-patent holder and CEO of the company that manufactures the #1 rated alluvial surface mining equipment. In fact, the G and T in TAG had already started a gold mining company in Zimbabwe at least 1 year earlier paving the way with 2 exploratory units (HPC-10). The CEO jumps in.... partners with the #1 rated gold equipment manufacturer who had already started a gold program a year earlier.....picks up two HPC-10s and 10% of Slashwood Mining..... for no money down! We can debate later about the current status of moving into production with the HPC-30s.......I suspect that the order of events changed with the acquisition of a world class hydrothermal mountain range full of barite, limestone, talc along with widespread occurrences of gossan deposits indicating copper, gold and nickel..... and indicating a gold reef running through the property. Regardless of any potential delays in starting the gold production, the infrastructure is in place with a solid team that is ready at any moment to begin gold production.....not years away...... now

d). He acquired Dodge Mine for $433K that may potentially have a mineral resource value of greater than $1B just on the barite alone. He acquired the mineral rights both contiguous and adjacent for just the pegging and registration fees moving the property assets from 303 acres to 1540 acres. He is preparing to send in a gravity mapping team to map all the mineral deposits with a focus on barite.... this is a short term mapping program that will convert all the inferred reserves to probable reserves.... then he follows right behind with select core drilling that will on a monthly basis continue to raise the probable reserves to proven reserves..... just the monthly update on sliding probable to proven reserves (a bankable asset at proven status) will support share strength and volume as we get to watch the proven numbers grow month-to-month until the core diamond drilling is completed..... then lord knows what happens as the company starts to harvest the gold.

Based on the information provided.... does the CEO appear to be a strong leader... or a momma's boy that lives in his mom's basement as reported earlier? (just to make my point, there are no basements in Freehold, NJ..... water table is too high...but you get my point... another intentional poke at the CEO without merit)..... I vote in favor of a strong leader who continues to demonstrate he is a player. Let's put the home office topic to bed..... all the infrastructure and costs are loaded in Zimbabwe..... the CEO does not take a salary and works out of his home office..... he does not need to lease a fancy corporate office at this point in time..... he is driving the company with no salary (haven't seen any salary referenced in the SEC filings), conserving shareholder value by not spending foolishly on an unnecessary corporate office at this time....and cutting deals that materially benefit the shareholders for either no money down or pennies on the dollar.... that is STRONG Leadership!

Bear with me for a bit longer on my long winded post... as I am making a short term appearance and want to set the record straight until the company completes their quite period with the SEC regarding restructuring both companies as a Hard Asset and Natural Resources entity. Here is my recommended homework assignment for those who seek the truth until the CEO has passed through the SEC quite period, can lay out their new corporate web site and reveal the company's intentions:

1. Barite: It takes a simple google search to know there is a growing world wide shortage of barite needed for the oil and gas drilling sector. Anyone can quickly find barite comments that show that the Gulf of Mexico is totally dependent on China and India for its concentration of over 2000 active rigs. That no barite mined in Nevada, the primary source of all USA barite, ever reaches the Gulf of Mexico as their 640K tons/year are consumed within a 5 state region for the gas drilling sector.

2. Barite Prices: Anyone can do a barite price research to see that barite is rapidly increasing in price from the mid $90 range in August of 2011 to the current prices listed on Industrial Minerals' month barite report suggesting > $140/ton.... that's quite a price increase in 7 months! Contact the Industrial Minerals representative on barite to see for yourself that spot prices are rising rapidly with delivery issues out of India. Register for one week free to get access to their monthly price reports to verify these comments.

3. What does a hydrothermal deposit of barite mean?: Research the global supply of available barite deposits..... the majority of the barite deposits are in sedimentary rock that is less than 50% recoverable.... the sedimentary barite mines in Nevada are nearing depletion... in fact.... the API grade barite that currently sits with a specification of 4.2 g/cm3 is continually being discussed, and in some cases approved, to move the specification down to 4.1 g/cm3 just to extend the life of the Nevada barite mines a few more years.... google it!

Hydrothermal barite deposits are rare....they are typically 100% recoverable with a large percentage of pure barium sulfate (that would be 4.5 g/cm3). In theory, all hydrothermal deposits of barite exceed the API grade specification. Can anyone find out when the last hydrothermal barite deposit was discovered?..... nearly impossible..... the most famous deposit was located in Algeria that has been depleted for years.....and I cannot find any data to suggest a new hydrothermal barite deposit has been discovered in years!... so who cares as to why the Zimbabwe deposits have been undiscovered until September of last year when the Mineral King snatched is for nothing compared to the asset value.....the point is.... the Mineral King claimed it for his shareholders!... and the rest of the world had no clue.

4. Who wants Barite?: If you dig deep enough, you will find that the top tier barite players have formed specific mineral business units over the last year to better manage their long term mineral resources with barite the #1 mineral at risk.... they are materially dependent on the Chinese (3M tons/year) and Indian governments (1M tons/year), who own their barite mines, who have a history (especially the Chinese) of delivering poor grades of barite embedded in their shipments, delivery issues rather political or seasonal related or last minute contract price hikes holding the barite players hostage.... do you think the company is sitting still waiting for a partner to knock on their door?

Yes.... I am still in the front row of the movie theater waiting for the movie to start....the movie trailers are almost done..... I unfortunately have to wait for the SEC to deem both publicly traded effective (as you have also seen these SEC filings).... I can only imagine that once the new stock symbols are issued and the company releases their new web site.... the Mineral King will make major announcements..... barite resources are being depleted rapidly world-wide matching step-by-step with rapidly rising prices..... a hydrothermal barite deposit represents the King of the Hill. We should be debating which major barite player is going to partner with the Mineral King and his shareholders.... the four big players in the Gulf of Mexico region are Halliburton, M-I Swaco, Baker Hughes and Excaliber Minerals..... why not call them and ask if they are interested in discussing a large hydrothermal deposit of barite.... bet they trip over themselves to get in line.....

I will rejoin the blog site after the SEC has deemed both companies effective, have reviewed their new web site and hear the next update from the Mineral King. I need to go get some fresh popcorn/coke before the movie begins.... no reason to go to battle now.... I've laid out all my reasons.

Hail the Mineral King of Wallstreet!

There are reasons they call me,


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