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Message: Amazing....when the PPS climbs from $1.30 to near $2.50.....

Point taken bear, but there's always something to discuss....and it doesn't seem there was a lot that was really new that came out of the AGM.   The FA has moved to 188 events, but we already knew about that change from the last filing.  The name is no longer FA of course, now its a sample size analysis.  We already knew the LOI hadn't turned into a concrete deal yet, otherwise the news of the HL deal or HL USA would have referenced it.  

Lots of questions still remain, same questions that were there before the AGM.

About the only really new thing I heard was that institutional investors might be restricted from investing in RVX because of the long term debt it had on its books.  I'm doing some searching to find confirmation of this.  I was aware that some institutions will not invest in stocks trading under $5....but as of yet I can't find anything that would indicate an institution would be pre-cluded from buying into a company with debt.  

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