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Message: Re: Answers from IR
Jun 07, 2018 11:05PM
Jun 07, 2018 11:32PM

Language is important Kelsee....all the other questions were given definitive answers.  Two emphatic yeses without any qualifications and a detailed response about the length of dosing. 

I emailed Sarah and simply asked if the company is still doing an SSRA....if she says "yes" then I'll be happy.  

Will the results of the SSRA be announced or will Resverlogix keep them confidential? Yes it "would" be press released.

Will the BIO International slides be posted? Yes – tomorrow morning.

Is Resverlogix still blinded in BETonMACE? Yes.

Is the apabetalone dosing period in BETonMACE 104 weeks as stated previously or did it change as suggested in Dr. Kalantar-Zadeh's recent ERA-EDTA poster to up to 36 months? All patients will now stay on drug until the trial is completed. The longest enrolled patient is now at 31 months.

Jun 08, 2018 01:49AM
Jun 08, 2018 02:29AM
Jun 08, 2018 09:30AM
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