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Message: How much of a drag is the "going concern" flag on the stock's valuation?

Growacet, you ask --I wonder how many TSX listed stocks have a disclaimer in their SEDAR filings that say there exists a "material uncertainty" about the ability to continue as a going concern....?

How about hundreds. Every small cap stock I have every owned has that statement that is not profitable, it is a nature of the accounting disclosure beast for underfunded or many small cap companies.

That being said, the financing question and whether the stock price has been capped befuddles most of us. 

1. Why not have HL as you note clear this up (not sure at this point given their ownership if problematic or not, but seemingly they could do it roundabout through licence renewal or some creative way)?

2. All these small financings, is RVX just trying to keep dilution to a minimum or do they really have a lack of interest which makes no sense or we are all in trouble.

3. Are they just waiting for some licence money coming in for a smaller country/region?

3. The financing issue will seemingly have to resolve in some manner shortly as clearly the have limited cash and there is the May 4th maturity of the third eye loan.

Who knows, you assume DM has a plan here to get us to the topline results at minimum, but maybe he is flapping his legs furiously beneath the water while we assume he is just going for a lazy swim.



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