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Message: What we know and what we don't.....

Thanks so much for chiming in quest13....I'm trying to wrap my head around the pricing of these units and what would be the rationale for investing in them.  I myself use discount brokers, one through my bank and another that aligns with your chosen user name....so I'm not talking to anyone about buying or selling.  I don't even know if I could contact either of my brokerages to participate.....but anyway.

Using your example of 6,000 units, priced at $4 that equals $24,000 not including fees.  For that you would get 6,000 shares and 6,000 full warrants priced at $4.60......

Right now at, we'll say, $3.50....that same $24,000 would buy 6,857 shares.  If the PPS were to climb to $4.50 the gain on buying shares would be $6,857....buying the units being offered, would mean a gain of 1/2 that amount, with the warrants still being out of the money.  Perhaps the warrants would end up being traded publicly however....in which case the units make a lot of sense.

Let's say the PPS gets to $10.....then 6,857 shares would be worth $68,570 for a gain of $44K and change.....the units would be worth $60,000 for the shares, and the 6,000 warrants would be in the money to the tune of $5.40 each...for a gain of $36,000 on the shares and $32K+ on the warrants....total gain almost $60,000....much better than $44K or so....

Thanks....I was just working out the math on why the units might make sense.....and they do if the expectation is that RVX will be making big gains.....obviously over the $4.60 the warrants are priced at.  If not....if the PPS doesn't get back above $4.60 then I assume it would make more sense to buy shares at $3.50 on the open market instead.  

Quest13....do you know for sure that you are in?  Could it turn out that your request to participate could be denied?  Just trying to learn something here, I've never taken part myself in something like this.  TIA if you can answer.  


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