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Message: 50/200 dma death cross upon us, and the market says 'meh' so far....

The 50 dma continues to fall and has now met the 200 at $3.28 but there was no sell off today, unless you think 30 odd thousand constitutes a lot of trading.  To be completely precise though I guess the actual cross will occur tomorrow...barring a big jump in the PPS Thursday which I don't see happening.  

It strikes me that over the past several years a profitable trading strategy would have been to buy when volumes are light like we've been seeing of late....and then to sell when volumes spike up into the hundreds of thousands.  I've  had this thought before, but I'm always to afraid to sell during high volume periods because of fear that there won't be a subsequent low volume pull back...and with results so close I'm not going to start on the next one, assuming it comes. 

Here's the chart:


Jul 18, 2019 07:57AM
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