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Message: Re: 50/200 dma death cross upon us, and the market says 'meh' so far....
Jul 18, 2019 07:57AM

Who is putting this forth as a "battle"???  Certainly not myself....the volume is still incredibly low, which is what I was expecting.  The death cross has now occured, the 50 dma has dropped below the 200, the 200 is at $3.28 and the 50 is at $3.25 according to the chart I'm looking at.  Has this caused some selling?  Perhaps some, but not much....

Back when guys like Granville were pioneering technical indicators like On Balance Volume chart reading was not something done by every Tom Dick and Harry in the market.....not like now where many sites like TMX.com and yahoo finance automatically populate a basic chart for every stock.  

Nowadays chart reading is at least part of a lot of investors/traders methodology.  Are RVX shareholders and watchers aware that a death cross has just taken place?  IMO the answer is yes for a large number....not all, but I do think the majority.  But instead of this negative event leading to a sell off the PPS is actually up a small bit on incredibly small volume.  Personally I take that as a positive indication....


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