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Message: Re: A new 52 week low, but I don't think anyone cares....

Paladin ... agree with your thinking also. Something big would have to change with ownership. I can't see the tightly held 70% just trading the pps up, back and forth either, and the 30% retail just isn't enough.

There has to be dilution either via Naz, or or large private offerings at much higher prices reflecting the potential and expanding the share volume.

Or, much more likely IMHO, BP's moving in once the science is proven. I like this avenue personally, not just for immediate gratification, but also for commercialization ... and funding of all the other promising science within apabetalone and the "library" ... I struggle to see RVX pivoting and becoming a commercial manufacturing, sales, and distribution company. This is a ready-made classic sale to BP once TLD, FLD, FDA milestones are reached in positive ways. Or some combination of those things in promising enough ways? JMHO  

Until BP steps in (surely there have been contingency talks/dealings) for RVX (and Zenith?) it is hard for me to see the pps taking off in a BIG BIG way.

Gotta believe also, that DM, KD, and others want to cash in also. So even though the insiders and big players are holding tight and potentially choking/stifling trading, at some point they will want to POUNCE on opportunity, if we get positive TLD, FLD, and are on a nice glide path with the FDA and other regulatory bodies.

With a positive but LIMITED TLD announcement, my expectations are for a mild-moderate jump, waiting for FLD, and a more gradual move upward in small chunks if the news keeps coming in rosy. This is still a frontier, and an "under the radar" stock/company, without previous commercial experience and success ... the money is in the science and "potential" for what "somebody" proven (BP) can do with it IMHO .... 

Dude, we just need a good TLD read out, so we can all take a breath, relax, and speculate on GOOD things for a while ... while still be impatient about the pps moving too slowly haha ... but knowing it is likely "safe" ... and then "plane watching" Calgary's airports? :)

Don't even want to think about missed endpoints right now, but we must ...  not gonna talk about those right now though haha. Let's just hope the science guys/gals got all these years of experience/study right this time and picked the correct endpoints and study methods for proving something extraordinary with immense potential down the road as it unwinds.

Personally, I am cautiously optimistic, but VERY nervous .... for 4-5 years now I have enjoyed the "possibilities" of "someday" .... it's a bit of a weird feeling as "someday" approaches .... hoping for the best for all, including the patients!! .... I will be a freaking "mess" this weekend.

All JMHO ... GLTA ... tick tock 


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