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Message: Diving into....

Great post Cancun ...

The new finance partner seems like a good fit potentially with both professional and industry networked finance and Asia connections. A partner more comfortfortable with companies in "development" status also. The next potential "savior" ... IF ... BoM TLD is disappointing? Cash will be needed either way, if no BP is perched and ready to swoop upon TLD/FLD.

And I do also agree that at some point a different leadership cadre (more commercial and less science & cheerleading) will be needed to get to commercialization, if no BP swoops - but I still think a BP is most likely at some point in the moving forward toward commecialization process.

I like the board seat part of it, seems like a longer term commitment, whether BoM primary is a hit or not. If not, a capable partner is going to need to help RVX "pick up the pieces" and provide funding and leadership for the potential with secondary opportunities, as well as continued pursuit of primary.

Where is Rothschild though? ... how do/will they still "fit" with the Goldman connections. Is this a change of direction, or is there still room for both working Naz, M&A potentialities?

This Third Eye payoff has been planned for at least a few weeks, which means the conversations and work up has been in the works for a while, perhaps months. Well before any inkling of TLD could have been gleaned. Even if a BP buyout is in the works upon TLD/FLD, you still have to travel down a parallel path of "independence" until a deal with BP is CLOSED ... to get the best deal, as well as being prepared for a life without BP just in case.

I am CONVINCED that the science is in the process of arriving ... like all of us, hoping Monday morning shows the world it is HERE NOW ... with lots and lots of runway.

Just a reminder below of where most of us believed pps might be upon BoM data release. I think the upper end is achievable in the near term (EOY 2019?) based on FLD, more exposure from TLD now and FLD later, fall conferences, and the potential for BP (HUGE "wildcard") to get involved at some point ...

After all of the tea leaves and tarot card readings, I am 50-50 on Monday's TLD announcement. I want to "believe" the time is NOW, and definitely believe in the science. But I am also "bracing for impact" haha ...  

JMHO's glta


So, just for fun ...


All in Canadian Dollars ....  Close of Monday Sept. 16th 2019 on the TSX.  Cutoff to submit best estimate is Friday Feb.22  ..... 9  pm EST.  Please let me know if I missed anyone's prediction?


Jermainejackson ... $ 0 

Publicheel .............$ 1.25

DNDStocks ........... $ 3.71

Noretreat................$ 6 

Chicagoest..............$ 8

masila ................... $ 10

Cabel ....................$ 12

jupiter ....................$ 14

Albertaclipper.........$ 15

GeorgeParros....... $ 17

Buckeyes ............. $ 18

Polar one ............. $ 18.50

bfw........................ $ 20

fouremm ............... $ 22

golfyeti .................. $ 22.50

Fuzzyjr .................. $ 23.25

growacet............... $ 24

coldnewfie..............$ 25

iconoclast ............ $ 25

Jonzobot .............. $ 25

Lost_Soul ............. $ 26

Carpe Diem........... $ 27.50


Koo-Koo..................$ 30

rndtbl .......................$ 32 (Guest from Investor Village)

BearDownAZ.......... $ 33

quest13....................$ 35

duke222 ................. $ 36

paladin ................... $ 40

groot_vader ............$ 41.50

Topcoin ...................$ 43.50

Kelsee...................,. $ 52

sumpup ..................  $ 57

tada........................ $ 63

Danceswithorses ... $ 78.54

COTTONMOUTH....$ 83.20 

Have Faith ............  $ 120

Mazola ................... $ 133.33

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