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Message: All quiet on the western front

Buckeyes/fuzzyjr - Where did the "end of March" come from?

As far as I can recall the first we heard of this 90 to 120 days was the web-call on Nov 18. We know that they had there meeting with the FDA on Nov 13. If you go out 90 to 120 days from either of those dates we are looking at mid Feb to mid March. Now just for fun wouldn't it be sweat to have an announcement on Valentine's Day being the big sweetheart theme and all.

I have heard that their burn rate is now less than $1 million per month, which makes sense since the trial has been completed. DM said that they would only go forward with a partner so $15 million if all the warrants were converted would take them a long long way. Also if the timelines are on track with mid Feb to mid March to get this all going RVX could go a long way with just $3 to $5 million.

Isn't there a milestone payment from Zenith's Chinese partner that they would be looking for around now as well? Good news on the Zenith front may help RVX as well.

The failure of BETonMACE seemed to be as a result of under powering and not because of a drug that didn't work. There was a pot load of great information found during BoM and there are a number of discussions going on right now. Bio Showcase begins next week. That's when a lot of biotech news comes out. Let's let them get through that before we get our panties in a twist.


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