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Message: My guess is a second BTD is coming

"I'm inferring from your answer that I should not be expecting anything other than eGFR to be reported...and I guess that makes things easier in a way."

That is an incorrect inference. You can see in the CKD sub-study poster in the methods and baseline characteristics table that there are many other measurements that will be reported. They have tons of blood samples collected over various time points of the trial, which opens up the opportunity to measure many things both pre-specified and not pre-specified. I don't know if they collected urine samples, but if so this would open up the opportunity for measurement of many other things filtered by the kidney that can give info on kidney function. Also keep in mind that we are just talking about BTD, not drug approval. Future clinical development prior to approval could use a more comprehensive analysis of kidney function, including methods that offer a more direct GFR measurement, not just estimated.


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