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Message: Re: Can the Experts on this Forum tell us if this is credible?

CCD - I have been PMing with another board member quite a bit lately. Below is a recent reply to him. Maybe some others can get some benefit from it. Some words have changed because they needed to be.

I think you hit the nail on the head "despondent". I read a couple of Sir John Templeton's books, met him personally as well many years ago, and one tid bit that I remember him saying was, "buy when others are despondently selling and sell when others are greedily buying." It's not perfect but generally works. I remember meeting with a client on the evening of Oct 19th 1987 after that day that the stock market crashed. He was despondent, absolutely devastated. I said to him, look around, people are still buying groceries, still going into the bars to swap lies, commerce is still happening. Look around today, people are still buying groceries, employment insurance programs are being adjusted to allow people that are being displaced, temporarily, to have some income to pay rent and buy food. These things are happening at lightening speed. As we, as a world get a grip on this virus and how to deal with it better, commerce will get back to what we can call normal. It may take a number of months or a couple of years but eventually we as the human race will figure it out. The companies that provide the products, goods and services that the masses use on a day to day bases will continue to make money/profits. People will still have diabetes, heart disease and CKD and will need treatment. No matter what stuff happens today those issues will still be there tomorrow and someone, LLY maybe, will be there to provide a product to service that need. That is an $8 to $25 billion annual market no matter what happens today, and those company execs know it. I hope my glasses aren't to rose coloured because it sure feels like something is going to happen in the next few months, without RVX going belly up. 

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