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Message: Re: Can the Experts on this Forum tell us if this is credible?

China blow it majorly. They are now responsible for a second deadly and massively costly global infections.

SARS could have started in any country, but it stated in China decades ago & that country didn't learn anything from that infection what so ever!

And now, the world must hold them responsible so that they leave their empty arrogance aside & learn!!! So that other countries could be also put on notice! 

Humans are now living in a globally/physically connected community. Although energetically all is one $ one is all, attentions to the law of nature, respect for biological : non-biological lives, & YES hygienes, has turned into a global awareness & national responsibilities!!

No where to hide anymore!!

univerae is mental & can in an instant wipe out all humans as we are becoming so useless that we have given our amazing power away to thing as little as the sizes of ones physical attributes!

Its because of these human stupidity that the universe is signally us to Please wake up & live up to your potential.

Its about evolution of the soul in a physical context as human physicality could be taken away by a nothing creature as a virus!

Joy, Peace, Love to all and to the Unhverse! 



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