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Message: Re: Random thoughts RVX-208 and COVID-19

Thanks for sharing iconoclast and thanks to Enemenemynemo over on Stockhouse for initially posting. Basically, this very short report follows up on the bioRxiv report to predict some potential drugs that may interact with BRD2. They do "in silico" or computer modeling to predict that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as well as celecoxib (aka Celebrex....the anti-inflammatory COX2 inhibitor) bind to the same pocket on BRD2 as viral protein E and acetylated histones.

Interestingly, they don't actually indicate in this short report that RVX-208 (apabetalone) is predicted to bind this same pocket; they only indicate RVX-OH, which is a precursor to RVX-208 that lacks the same bromodomain specificity and binds to BRDs a bit differently (see here). They don't explicitly say that RVX-208 does not bind...they just don't mention it at all.

Importantly, this is all predictive computer modeling....not experimental evidence. I have never heard of HCQ or Celebrex as bromodomain inhibitors, so I caution folks to take this report with a grain of salt until further info and confirmation comes out on this.


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