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Message: Random thoughts RVX-208 and COVID-19

After catching up on the last 4 days of posts and piecing thoughs thoughts together with other conversations I came up with more questions than answers.

On March 23 RVX announced that they were looking for collaborators for the use of Apabetalone to combat COVID-19 and then the following day they announce they were featured in an article in a recent New York Times publication (the article on March 17th). 

That article says there was 69 drug candidates looked at and 10 (was that the top 10?) drugs had been sent to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai for testing. Two key things here, sent as in already gone, and the article was written on March 17th. 

The only thing we know here is that out of those top 10 is that JQ1 and RVX-208 were both on that list. About a week after this news release there was a comment from the Quantitative BioScience Institute in another article that said the first round of testing had taken place but they didn't want to say if any of the candidates tested had any kind of success or failure, in case there was false positives or negatives and that those tests would be repeated the following week, which was last week.

A couple of days ago DM shows up on a Lilamax infomercial touting the benefits of RVX-208 which seems to tick off a group of people on an Agoracom MB, some of the same people that complaine about lack of exposure????

My thoughts were that in order for a sampling of the drug to already have been sent to Mount Sinai on March 17th RVX would have to have already been on this track for at least a few days prior to that. Although the QBSI didn't want to say anything in case of false positives or negatives it's probably likely that they did have conversations with each of the companies that supplied those first 10 drug candidates.

Now the interesting part, for me anyway, on April 7th, just a few days ago, the president of RVX gets on an infomercial and talks about the potential benefits of RVX-208 on COVID-19 just prior to having the results of the first 10 drug candidates that were tested being revieled to the public. In case you missed it here is the link to the YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v54hV7Jeec

Fishy, coye or brilliant, we'll find out in just a couple of days. I saw this pre emptive infomercial as brilliant, to draw more eyes to our story whether or not there was success in the testing on the COVID-19 front or not. As of a few minutes ago there had been 416 views of that Lilamax video clip. No matter how you look at it the more eyes we have looking at the story the better. 

They announced the article in the New York Times 6 or 7 days after the article had been published, I am wondering whether they will be announcing a COVID collaborater after the fact as well?

Looking forward to seeing how our story progesses this week.


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