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Message: Random thoughts RVX-208 and COVID-19

tada – I am not sure there isn’t some mixing up of articles or maybe I have mixed something up. The NYT article was published on March 17th. This article stated that, “Dr. Shokat and his colleagues have found 50 promising candidates”. It also stated, “On Thursday, Dr. Shokat and his colleagues filled a box with the first 10 drugs on the list and shipped them overnight to New York to be tested against the living coronavirus.” Thursday before March 17th would have to be March 12th that the 10 were sent to NY. Shortly after the NYT article, on March 18th, golfyeti contacted Dr, Shokat and asked him to look at Apabetalone.  The reply he received was, "Thank you for pointing this out, will include, appreciate it.That sounds much like RVX-208 was not one of them or even in the 50 at that time.

On Tuesday, March 24th, the Biocentury article came out and included this, “The University of California San Francisco's Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) COVID-19 Research Group unveiled Monday, in a preprint posted on bioRxiv, the 69 drug repurposing candidates in preclinical development through FDA approval, against 66 “druggable” human targets, could inhibit SARS-CoV-2.”

The number was then up to 69 and the Monday referred to should be March 23rd as a week earlier would be before the NYT article when the number was 50. Two things that I think I see here are firstly that the number grew by 19 between March 12th when the 10 were sent to NY and March 23rd when the list with RVX-208 was unveiled making RVX-208 probably one of those 19 added. Secondly, that if Dr. Shokat didn’t know RVX-208 before being contacted by golfyeti, then it wasn’t on their list when the first 10 were sent to NY. I don’t believe it was one of the ten.

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