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Message: Re: Address your Shareholders Donald J. McCaffrey

I agree Koo. In my 10 years in this frustrating stock (it is what it is...very high risk), Don has come through one way or another. I'm still betting on the science from BoM, other trials and independent research papers that apabetalone is good enough to have created interest and money will allow for more discovery and getting the kind of clinical trial sample sizes to yield statistical significance. That being said, BoM failed, and there is an enormous competition for funds in biotech and BP.

At least we know that Pfizer with TNBC and zen3694 and mCRPC and enzaluitimde seems to be kicking the tires a bit.

I view the silence as a good sign. It suggests to me (purely subjective) that something is in the works.

Prerhaps the kidney results that we still don't know will provide more good news and our special status at the FDA (drug status) helps RVX's negotiating leverage.

Anyway, in the last few months I been put on 5 hypertenion drugs and had surgery to remove atherosclerosis blockages in my femoral arteries and my brain is more foggy than ever, so, apologies for my vague recall and generalities.

I have blockages in places that don't have surgical solutions so I need apabetalone for reverse cholesterol transport.

It is frustrating but nothing new and the share price from my perspective is great. GLTA and stay safe from Covid-19. GLTA.


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